(916) 247-8226
2715 K St. Sacramento, CA 95816
Mon - Fri 08:00am - 7:00pm | Sat 10:00am - 2:00pm


At Life Steps Consulting, we know that life is full of different transitions, which can be broken down into a series of steps. When you are struggling with substance abuse, movement through the transitional steps halts, causing you to fall into unhealthy life cycles, which impact your career goals, relationships, and physical and mental health. We can help you get back on track.

Individualized Alcohol And Drug counseling services

Alcohol and other drug addiction is a disease. Sadly, this disease often convinces its victim that he or she does not need help. It can also convince the family that trying to help is futile. Although there is no question this is a life-threatening illness, difficult to treat, without guarantees of success, there is also no doubt that an individual can recover. In my experience, the difference is often as simple as a willingness to try something new. Honesty, openness, and willingness are key ingredients to success.

Alcohol And Drug counseling services
Individual counseling


Individual counseling provides an opportunity for you to openly talk about your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment. Together, we can discuss your issues or concerns with:


Family dynamics can often be challenging, whether you have a traditional or non-traditional family, I can help. Family counseling provides an opportunity for everyone to openly talk about their thoughts and feelings in a safe environment. Together, we can try to solve any familial issues that have been caused by substance abuse.

Treatment Team
Couples counseling


Couples counseling is beneficial to those interested in improving their relationships that have been damaged by substance abuse. I have experience with a diverse range of couples from various racial, ethnic, and spiritual backgrounds. Couples can be married or dating, straight or gay. We assist couples with:

  • Improving Communication
  • Financial disagreements
  • Infidelity
  • Trust issues
  • How to support your loved one with the recovery process

Court ordered evaluations

A comprehensive substance abuse evaluation includes: 
1.5-2 hour Interview
Diagnostic Assessments Collateral Interviews
Written Results

Full Report of written or verbal findings includes:
6-7 paged detailed report
Estimated interview and report time: 
8-10 hours

Note: Standard methodology is used for all evaluations no matter the report format. All written reports will be sent to the Court, CCRC/evaluator, petitioner and respondent, and attorneys. Reports require a minimum of 3 days to complete after the initial interview.

Court ordered evaluations

E-counseling: Alcohol counseling online from the comfort of your home

Who is eligible? To use online counseling, you’ll need a reliable computer with a broadband Internet connection. In addition, voice and camera functions need to be functioning. We will use a conferencing provider that uses HIPAA-compliant software.

Most importantly, you’ll need to be in a secure location, free of distractions, that provides you with privacy and the ability to freely communicate

What are the benefits of E-Counseling?

  • Location: With online counseling, you are not limited in choice by your geographical location. You have the ability to connect with a counselor that’s not in your area.
  • Schedule. If you’re working full-time, traveling, have childcare or transportation issues. With online counseling, you can receive help 24/7 (by arrangement) or while you are out of town.
  • Communication: Online counseling enables you to access services and get help right away. This includes SMS/chat, video, and phone sessions.
  • Stigmas: Although this is changing, there are still barriers due to negative associations with being treated for a substance use disorder. Accessing services online can help.
  • Privacy/Confidentiality: Using secure online tools provides users with complete privacy and confidentiality. Counselors are bound by the same HIPAA and 42 CFR pt 2 regulations as we would be in office settings.

Contact us today to see if E-counseling is right for you

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